Monday 30 July 2012

7 aims: Spend less


This week's aim was to spend less money, so I put myself on a spending ban.
Success or failure?
Both... ish.

My friend stayed at mine for a week, having been in Surrey for ages, so we went shopping. I bought a birthday present for one of my friends, however, I did spend £30 too much in Boots on myself.
Being reasonable though, I hadn't bought anything for myself for a while, so I thought I'd treat myself.

These coming months are going to be a bit of a struggle:
  • Scott's birthday
  • Izzy's birthday
  • Kira's birthday
  • Rachel's birthday
  • Several family member's birthdays
  • My father's birthday yesterday
That's an unbelievable amount of money to spend over the course of about a months and a half; I suppose it's a good job that I decided to treat myself now, instead of in September...

Thank you for reading!

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