Monday 30 April 2012


Okay, so I was with my boyfriend today and I realised that I felt disgusting. I don't know if it was because I haven't eaten too brilliantly over the weekend but normally I feel as though I can be myself around him and he'll still love me.
I was in a terrible mood towards the end of our meeting but I just thought it was because I was tired.
This revelation triggered me to think about how much pressure teenage girls are under. I know there's a lot of coverage about it in the media and in schools, but I don't think anyone has the right to write about it unless they've been there themselves.
Obviously, I know I'm luckier than some girls. Some of them feel like this on a daily basis, not just for one afternoon, and also, I have a boyfriend to tell me that I'm beautiful, many of these girls don't have people tell them that they're beautiful and give them compliments.
It must be horrible to need reassurance for your whole life. I can't imagine how awful feeling like that for a prolonged period of time must be. I always had the mentality of "if you want to be happy, make yourself happy" but I realise that it's definitely not that easy. It took a while to put me in a better mood, and I didn't even feel that bad about how I looked.
Teenage girls get so insecure about so many things, things they don't need to worry about. From what I can gather, it's mainly about looking after their appreances to impress boys, and it's really unnecessary. I know it's all very well for me to sit here and preach about how you're all beautiful because I already have my one true love but seriously, if somebody really wants to be with you, they won't care if you get the occassional spot, or if your weight fluctuates a bit, or if your hair isn't perfect all the time, or if you don't have a full face of make up on. If they really love you, none of that matters.
I realise that it's not always about impressing other people, sometimes you just want to feel good about yourself, and I can't tell you to stop spending hours on your hair and make up because you're beautiful without it; I have no idea how it makes you feel when you're not made up. I know for some people, wearing make up is a barrier, and when the barrier is taken away, they feel vulnerable and scared. And that's normal, in this kind of image-obsessed world.
I just think that everyone is beautiful in their own way, nobody should feel pressured to look a certain way, nobody should feel they have to conform to the stereotype.
Be yourself, not who others think you should be.

Sunday 29 April 2012

Recent trip to merry Paris.

Bonjour mes amis! 

On 21st April, me and my many cohorts (otherwise known as people in my year that took French) took a trip to Paris. We went for a long weekend, it was very romantic. I felt a distinct connection to every single one of them, I now feel I can confide anything in them. Joking. 
Although most of my friends went, there were quite a few.. Non-friends, shall we say, that also embarked on this journey of a life-time. Moving on, before I start ranting and talking complete bananas. 
We got on the coach at 00.30. Yes. You read that right. Half past midnight, on the Saturday morning. We arrived at our hotel at around 10.30, which wasn't too bad because most people got to sleep a bit on the coach, then everyone was fresh-faced and ready to face a whole day of grimy tubes and fabulous landmarks.
We took the "metro" (but I shall call it the tube) to the Montparnasse tower. For those who don't know, it's basically a huge building that looks a bit like one of the world trade centers, and from the top you can see the whole of Paris. I suppose it's better than going up the Eiffel tower because you actually get to SEE the Eiffel tower. It was alright, although I've broken the zoom on my phone so the Eiffel tower is merely a dot on the horizon.
After that, we went to see the Eiffel tower up close. It was possibly one of the greatest sights I have ever seen. Seriously, it was (probably still is) huge! We were all so touristy though, we all stood in front of it and had our "group photo" taken on about 17 different camera bearing devices. I think everyone else hated  us. We were hogging the Tour Eiffel. 
Once we had finished being embarrassingly tourist-like, we headed down to get a better look at the Eiffel tower. We were walking down the steps and, all of a sudden, these 5 guys made everyone sit down whilst they threatened us with guns. I joke. They were dancing. It was so cool! Nothing like that would happen in London. 
It was so funny though, most girls had bought fake, French manicured nails (when in Paris, and all that...) but I was there with my REAL nails. I spent the majority of the trip showing people my nails because I was so proud of them. How truly, wonderfully, fantastically spiffing!
Most of the trip was spent sight-seeing. We saw; the Louvre, all the bridges along the Seine, Notre Dame, L'arc de triomphe, the Sacre Coeur and lots of other... Things. I can't remember everything we saw. 
One thing I know for sure is that it was magical and I'm going to go back very, very, very soon. 

Au revoir!