Sunday 13 January 2013

Tip: Mascara Creasing


Today I thought I'd share a little tip with you. I've never written a post like this before but I thought it might be a good idea.

Do you get creasing of mascara under your eyes?

If so, think about how you remove your eye make up at night. If you're not removing it thoroughly, it may drop down under your eyes over the course of the next day and crease under your eyes (or just give you panda eyes).
Before accusing your mascara of drying out or flaking, try thinking about the removal of it the night before.

In the morning, take a cotton bud with some eye make up remover on it and swipe it under your eyes. Even if you think there's nothing there, you may be surprised.

Take note of the state of your under-eyes over the course of the day and you may notice a marked improvement.

So, I suppose the moral of the story is don't invest in a super duper expensive bottom lash mascara, just make sure you're removing your make up properly!

Do you have this problem? Have you tried this and has it helped?