Tuesday, 21 August 2012



So, I've been a bad blogger recently; I've not been posting very much, and when I do they're all bunched up on one day. I know I get frustrated when people aren't reliable in their posts, so I'm just as bad as them!

I feel rather disconnected from my blog at the moment. It's probably just because I've not had time to post; seriously though, I've been at work more than usual, I've been catching up with my friends  and I've been looking after dogs/children that live in my house...

However (there is hope!), I do have several posts lined up, and hopefully I'll write them in bulk and post them gradually because, although I'd like to be able to write whenever I like, I physically don't have time at the moment.

Hopefully, when I'm back at school, everything will settle down and I'll be able to be a little more in-touch with my blogging life.

Thank you for understanding!

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